U.S. Citizens, Attorneys
Inventors and Copyright Holders
Business Founders, Owners and Investors
Executives, Employers, Employees, Managers
Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Judicial Officials
Politicians, Administrators and Government Officials
Criminals, Victims, Witnesses, Any Combination There Of;

Subject: Stop crime for all time

Welcome & Thank You To All Who Visit This Domain;

"30% of American business failures are caused by employee theft each year",
according to the Public Affairs Office of the USDOC.  The ABA estimates, "Corporate crime and financial crime costs the American taxpayers over $447,000,000,000 per year."

USA won't survive the economic crisis if we can't stop financial crime. Therefore CCFO provides 14 hi-tech CEP programs to prevent, detect, and provide forensic evidence of crime in all stages. Our Intellectual property proves or disproves mens rea, collects forensic evidence, records criminal activity, isolate offenders, identify accessories, conspirators, solicitors, discovers related crime before/after the fact, and protects its users from harm.

We stop crime by publishing facts and evidence about criminal activity where the police, attorneys and corporate authorities can get to it easily. A form of physical protection for crime victims is provided by our publishing. Stolen assets are located, criminals are isolated and frozen. 1,000's of people and billions of dollars have been saved in the course of our actions thus far. When/if the crime is turned over to prosecutors, the articles are closed.

We fight crime, not criminals. People who unknowingly commit crimes can form an affirmative defense and or make retribution.

Reporting crime is your duty too. Failing to report crimes like suspected financial abuse of an elder carry stiff felony charges and penalties. False reports to police and retaliatory untrue Internet articles attacking us, morphed images, intimidate and harassment, are not only libel, but also criminal retaliation against reporters-of-crime and witness-tampering. In addition to hampering victim resolution, that activity damages crime fighters personally and impedes delivery of our commercial IP products to the public. Crime victims need to know they are protected under law from this activity. Therefore, you will see new civil court filings and statements of probable cause filed in criminal courts to prove that victims of retaliation are also protected by law - especially and including when law-enforcement participates in the retaliation.

Please contact us with any defamation/retaliation you find on Internet other than what we are already aware of listed below. Your anonymity and privacy are our utmost concern.

"Downgrading crime to civil matters and under-reporting crimes are also crimes" in every state's statutes and according to Det. Lt. (ret.) Barry Baker, author of Career Police Officer.com. So if you have a problem or want to install our v.stat.fleas in your programs, contact us intake@corpcrimefighters.org. Of course, anybody spamming us will be immediately caught... probably exposing other criminal activity within their organization.

  Best Regards,

  Kim Anthony Hartsock

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Alicia De Barton

Crimes do not compute. Core software runs the legal businesses of the American Economy. American business-law, down to the local ordinances, is the first "rule-set" in the software production. Every use of the system is documented. Any offense that is not recognized as a civil code violation is thereby identified as a crime.

We do not seek out crime to fight; crime comes to us. Crime stops the offended business from functioning, stops our work, and our pay after all our work is done during testing at the most expensive time for us. Where there is smoke, there is fire. After a crime is identified by our v.Stat© program, documentation provided by "business-rules software engines" exposes a variety of crime just under the surface. A variety of crimes requires a variety of LEO, from a variety of departments in a variety of agencies to solve and prosecute. That takes years. Criminals know and count on this and they count on no public exposure until charges are filed by the law. Civil court poses no threat; they just don't show up.

We fight crimes because we have to. Our crime fighting programs and procedures demand immediate results and relief. We do it for ourselves, for our own personal economies and well being. As we do this, many others are vindicated as a bi-product because you can't stop or fight just part of a crime. We fight crime without any money or resources because the criminals made us that way. If the defendants don't like our crime-stopping style, they can feel free to sue us. We fight crime to re-establish a lawful economic society in which to host our software projects.

Out of the ashes and under law. Corporate Crime Fighters Organization is a nonprofit organization who helps business-owner crime victims recover and find justice through strictly legal procedures. Our legal affairs office is staffed by the finest attorneys and investigators nationwide. We do not charge for our services and often provide legal fees for civil litigation attached to crimes on a promissory note basis. If law-enforcement has down-graded a reported crime or under reported a crime against you, file a charge of neglect of duty to uncover crimes against you. If you are right, and can prove it, make a statement of probable cause in your local criminal court.

"USA will never survive the economic crisis with this level of corporate crime. Entrepreneurs must be protected while they rebuild the American Dream even if, and especially if, they have no money to fight crimes against them."



Crime-Set: 159

Jeffery W. Shoopman - Elder Abuse, Financial, Intimidation & Threats, destruction of property.

Victim 63-years-old. Shoopman ran an ad in craigslist offering to rent a room in a brick double with a basement. The Victim replied to the ad because the property was only 3-doors up the street and less than 50-metres from the Victims main client

Crime-Set: 158

Rebecca H Kelly - Edler Abuse, Seclusion, Financial Abuse, Mail Fraud

Victims 92, 97, and 63-years-old


Oregon Cascades West Council Of Governments &
The State of Oregon Governmental Profiteers &
The United States Governmental Profiteers &
International Governmental Profiteers &
International Crime Profiteers

Crime-Set: 157

Investigations: 100%
Evidence: 100%
Affidavits: 2%
Posted: 0%
f211's: 30%
Reporting: 0%
Protective Orders:
File Structure: 55%
Witnesses: 2,000+
Victims: 10,000+
Homicide: Multiple
FedFunds: Trillions
StateFunds: Trillions
CountyFunds: Millions
MunicipalFunds: Millions
PrivateSectorFunds: Billions
Part 1: 100,000+


U.S.Treasury Claim Numbers:

157.0000.001 = IRS 2016-006824 Signs Of Victory Ministries (np OR) (f211) a.k.a. SOV
157.0000.002 = IRS 2016-006825 Albany Helping Hands LLC (np OR) (f211) a.k.a. AHH
157.0000.003 = IRS 2017-001331 Oregon Cascade West Council Of Governments (np OR) (f211) a.k.a. COWCOG

Oregon State Bar Complaints:

157.0001.001 = DPA 1601925(pdf), Erik J.D. Moeller, filed 12/08/2016
157.0001.001 = DPA 1601925(pdf2), Erik J.D. Moeller, refiled 02/13/17 (cause of Atkinson fraud at the bar.)
157.0001.002 = DPA nnnnnnn(pdf), Daniel P. Atkinson, filed 02/13/17
157.0001.003 = DPA nnnnnnn(pdf), Tyler Reid, filed 02/13/17
157.0001.004 = DPA nnnnnnn(pdf), Ryan Dallas Lucke, filed 02/13/17
157.0001.005 = DPA nnnnnnn(pdf), Ellen Rosenblum, filed 02/13/17
157.0001.006 = DPA nnnnnnn(pdf), Kate Brown, filed 02/13/17

Commission for Judicial Fitness and Disability Complaints:

157.002.001 = Number nnnn, Daniel R. Murphy, filed 02/14/17
157.002.001 = Number nnnn, David E. Delsman, filed 02/14/17
157.002.001 = Number nnnn, Deann Novotny, filed 02/14/17

Grand Jury Indictments Sought:


Oregon Court of Appeals Case:


Criminal Complaints:

Sweet Home Police Services et al
Steven C. Renfrow
Albany Police Department (so called)
City of Albany (so called)
Fraud upon the Court (15CR35187)

Civil (tort) Cases:

Staples - Allen Witt (fraud)

Securities Exchange Commission Cases:

Country of Oregon Municipal Securities Fraud
Edison General Electric Company
General Electric Credit Auto Lease
Darlene Hartsock LaMelle (Walker), Coggin Automotive Group, Asbury Automotive

Our organization publishes bar complaints with activity/inactivity/results in full view of the public at CorpCrimeFighters.Org, AmericanHeritage.Bar, Court.Sovereign.Earth Herzog.World & Founded.World, as applicable. We do not question your judgment or make comments. We remove our publication when the case is closed in all courts, leaving only an archived link to your judgment and others.

Also please know all persons listed in any complaint to a legal Bar, are already barred from the American Heritage Bar and not allowed to conduct business or enter claims in Proclamation Court at Sovereign.Earth or Founded.World until they make restitution to all of their victims and repair their court systems.

We are filing this complaint, and subsequent complaints, to protect the sovereignty of Economic Solution Properties, Inc. (OR SOS 1045063-99) and its shareholders to enable legitimate exchange of securities under federal and international laws. Therefore, copies of this complaint are forwarded to attorneys in the Security Exchange Commission and the United States Treasury to support numbered claims filed in those offices earlier this year against individuals and airy organizations in this area.

We also filed this complaint with the Prosecutor's Office of International Criminal Court (Hague) in defense of the Herzog ~ Hartsock Brigade Foundation, who's members include the planters, funders and builders of the Oregon Population namely: Sidney Walter Moss f. c. u., F. X. Mathiess, Medorem Crawford, J. R. Robb and Asa Lovejoy. Our vaults on two continents retain the municipal and land plans of the third set of rights of the population sent with them as their last stop after building Fort Smith, all the locks for water and power throughout the Hartland to what is now Atlanta, Indian City (Indianapolis) and the Wabash Railroad in descending chronological order. It is my job to recover the rights, property and wealth for their descendants – who are everyone in this area, including the lawyers listed below. This is a regrettable job I cannot take lightly.

We have no access to a legitimate court or legal law enforcement in the area. Time is of the essence because illegal & physical attacks on us are so brutal and continuous. I have to protect myself and our assets by any legal means. Publishing organized crime-reports on Internet so your office can have more than three attachments raises my fear-level of public knowledge of these events will cause undue harm to these lawyers and contrivers of their original municipal system. Therefore it would be safer for them if we establish a better conduit for subsequent complaints.


This complaint against Erik Moeller #123972, and his cohorts, is for principal participation in a conspiracy to obtain protected information outside of law, without a subpoena, and passing the information to the defendants of a State Of Oregon Appellate Court in Salem, case #15CR35187 OPDS #65808; interference with that case; misrepresentation as authorized defense council of the Oregon Public Defense Service in this faux case under the same case number in Linn County Court; and misrepresentation in a preceding and parallel Albany City, Municipal Court case which does not have a case number known to me, set for trial June 6, 2017, Judge Robert Scott presiding; the merit of the Municipal Court portion of my complaint is not in my possession, existing only in the court records and Erik Moeller's case file under Kim Anthony Hartsock; for pecuniary gain from an illegal source – the defendant's syndicate - not OPDS.


Sara Lucas, sectarian secretary for Mr. Moeller, using an unsafe web email address of saralucaslopm@gmail.com in the conduit of legal, privileged and private information in contravention of the Rules of Court; address unknown, phone number unknown, other than the office of Law Office of Perry & Moeller, P.C., 138 7th Ave SW, Albany · (541) 928-7161.

Tracy G. Krug, of unknown authorization or position, who indicates a position in the Oregon Department of Justice, but is not listed in the Oregon roster as a State employee, using an unsafe non governmental email address of Tracy.G.Krug@ojd.or.us; which domain is a possession of an unregistered body calling themselves Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, www.ocwcog.org, an extension of Oregon Cascades West Senior Services Foundation, registered with SOS 1996, who's members are wholly and severally the subjects of US Treasury Claim 2017-001331 and others; who's phone number may be (541) 754-3889, and contacted me from 541 812-8796, a phone number of unknown origin that does not accept calls and who's address maybe, 1914 Crystal Cir Corvallis, OR 97333, 2329 Estaview Cir Corvallis, OR 97330, or 929 Sequoia Ave Corvallis, OR 97330.

Samantha L. Lotti, who registered and operates under an assumed name of Court Monitoring Services, Oregon SOS 811308-91 11/03/2011, 250 BROADALBIN STREET SW Suite 206 Albany Oregon 97322, 541 704-0894, fax 541 704-0284, who will not furnish an email address; who holds herself out as a probation officer to me, the public and in these court documents under penalty of perjury under oath, with no badge and not registered with the Linn County Probation Department, appointed by Daniel R. Murphy #810845, with an income and compensation from a source other than the Linn County Probation Office.

Linn County Prosecutor Office members of unknown/unlisted identities including, but not limited to Ryan Dallas Lucke OSB #100181, the DA representative who appeared in Duty Court (6) at 3:00 pm on 10/06/2016 and the Prosecutor who appeared November 07, 2016 at 1:15 pm in Hon DeAnn L. Novotny's court (3) for a probation hearing, and the DA representative who appeared in Court Room 1, Hon Daniel R. Murphy presiding, at 11:00 12/5/2016, the DA himself, members of Judge Murphy's Criminal Bar, members of the Linn County Public Defenders Group who are not paid by OPDS, et al connected or contrived.

Hon David E. Delsman #922799, who docketed the machination sworn by Ms. Lotti without proof of service, merit, time to appear; who assigned Erik as defense council without my application or permission and provided Mr. Moeller with the court document used to ultimately obtain the privileged information; who held court 10/06/2016 and may have issued, then recalled, a warrant for my arrest 12/05/2016.

Hon DeAnn L. Novotny, who heard cattle-call court on 11/07/2016 without proof of service, other Rules of Court violations, and is a defendant in the underlying State Appeal Case #15CR35185.

Honorable Daniel R. Murphy #810845, defendant in the underlying State Appeal Case #15CR35185, who held court December 5th, 2016 in courtroom 1 at 11:00am, and may have issued the warrant for my arrest at that time, then retracted it.



AllEmailStreams.pdf is two streams on this subject from Erik Moeller, Sara Lucas and Tracey Krug in descending order so start at the bottom.

ShowCauseFPVC.pdf is the subvention document lacking authorization, prosecutor power, merit, receipt of service etc.

CAA_Affidavit_of_Eligibility.pdf is the form provided by Tracy Krug to apply for a public defender mentioned in her email stream and proof of subvention of rules of court and my right to apply as I saw fit the next day after I had heard the charges and after I had seen the receipt of service.



From 04/24/2016 to 09/27/2016, every meeting with Ms Lotti resulted in pressure to obtain the results of a Court Ordered Mental Health Evaluation, a document that is impossible to obtain without a subpoena from that court, which is now the case, 15CR35187, in State Appeals Court. Theses demands she calls directives were always accompanied by a threat of incarceration for non compliance.

My business and personal phone records reflect numerous phone calls to Linn County Mental Health Departments in an effort to obtain the document or a statement it is not available, verified by Sandy, Carrie and Joann or Becky at 541 387-3888, Linn County Mental Health Office in Sweet Home Oregon.

On 10/05/2016 at 1:40 PM I received a call from Tracy Krug, 541 812-8769, informing me I had missed a scheduled court appearance for charges filed by Ms. Lotti at 1:15 PM and demanded I be in court at 3:00 PM on those charges the next day. Ms. Krug admitted knowing I had not received Service but demanded I appear the following day at 3:00 PM or face arrest. This conversation is verified and the threat repeated in an email sent by her at 2:02 PM with a form to expedite application for public defense services, which is the first email at the bottom of the first attachment. At 2:12 PM Ms Krug sent a second email stating she had used my application for defense council from the previous night which I made for a different purpose, a completely different case of which the charges were dropped, and had assigned Erik Moeller automatically to represent me. Neither of these emails did I receive until much later in the evening when I opened my computer.

I appeared on time and had temporary representation from another PD, by the name of I have forgotten, on Erik's behalf who set a hearing date and told me Erik's office would contact me to set up my defense. I asked for receipt of service and I requested access to the Court's Criminal Clerk's Desk to file my own statements and as I knew I was told the Linn County Circuit Court does not have a clerk devoted to criminal complaints.

The rest of the events unfold chronologically in email with Ms Lucas and last Mr. Moeller in the first email ever from him [I never spoke with him in the interim except a pretentious hall debate 11/07/2016 wherein he boasted he could obtain the summary when no one else could]. These documents by their own hand are my proof of conspiracy, gross misrepresentation of my defense and requests to file motions or make charges against Lotti and her backers. Notice verbiage re attesting his intent to “find out what the DA wants” and provide it to him without a subpoena against my rights and requests that the defendants obtain the report by only legal means through a subpoena.

Ms Lucas's email of 11/23/2016 specifically states Mr. Moeller was successful at obtaining the summary of the court ordered evaluation from LCMH Sweet Home office. In reality Erik contacted Marisa at 541 967-3866 in the Albany LCMH Department with a statement he had been appointed council and represented Kim Hartsock as a juvenile to her. He presented a request for all my Mental Health records from 01/01/2008 to present. Marisa verified she rendered the Summary of the Evaluation of 07/06/2016 to him on that day, thus completing his work for the DA defendants, but not providing one shred of defense for me.

This is verified with Marisa's supervisor, Rebecca Hall 541 967-3866 x2535, who seeks protection under law for all her patients from this mechanism reoccurring.

12/07/2016 The interference, coercion, fraud and conspiracy elevated today when I received this email:

From: Kyle.Krohn@opds.state.or.us

Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 8:42 AM

To: ag@americanheritage.bar

Subject: Office of Public Defense Services re : Kim Anthony Hartsock TC No. 15CR35187 Our No. 65808


Dear Mr. Hartsock:

I am writing to inform you that your appeal in the above-referenced matter has been transferred to me.

I received your appellate case file from your prior attorney in this office, including any letters you may have sent to that attorney. When I am ready to address your case, I will read the transcript of the trial court proceedings and review both the trial court file and your appellate case file to identify potential meritorious issues for appeal.

If you have any questions or concerns about your appeal, please feel free to write or call. This office accepts collect calls on the first and third Thursday of each month, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., excluding the lunch hour.


Kyle Krohn
Deputy Public Defender
Office of Public Defense Services
1175 Court Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
(503) 378-3349
This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or
otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the
addressee or it appears from the context or otherwise that you have
received this e-mail in error, please advise me immediately by reply
e-mail, keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message
and any attachments from your system.  Thank you.

Please note Mr. Krohn's email address is controlled by OCWCOG.

I have had multiple phone conversations with my OPDS Deputy Defender, Emily P Seltzer, which will be lost in the “transfer”. I will want to know who ordered the transfer and why. I want to know what Emily Seltzer has to say about it. I already know it is common practice, documented on Internet, for Linn County Court to retry their cases in their own personal Appellate Court with a different set of officials and prosecutors and a different Linn Judge. The area courts do not accept petitions for judicial review as is standard and mandatory in every legitimate State and Country. Unknown to them, I filed a written petition for review with a higher court in the Spring of 2016. Those lawyers are the subject of my second Bar complaint forthcoming.

I seek immediate relief through the Oregon State Bar with the knowledge courtroom criminals are already caught in their own devices regardless of any preceding or judgment you or they render under the real Rule of Law. That is to say the attorneys of the health care system will do much more to this syndicate than disbar them with the medical records of the extensive damage I have received from being poisoned and several beatings from OCWCOG private police and individuals with their support on dates coinciding with every part of 15CR35187 as I had to fill out papers for admittance for a slew of corrective surgery provisions.

I respectfully await your contact.



#000126 Cleared & Under Official Investigation: Witness Tampering, Retaliation, Destruction of Evidence, Assault, Battery, Theft & Destruction of Personal Property, False Report to Police, Extortion, Mail Theft, Threats, Menacing, Official Oppression, Crimminal Responsibility for the Conduct of Others, Perjury Under Oath, et al;

Jesse Morton, Kevin Bridger, Darlene Townsend-Lamelle-Lichtman-Hartsock-Walker, Monroe, GA; Tony Downs (tdowns) & Alece Downs, Texarkana, TX; Lana Adams Raney, Brentwood, TN; Howard Wayne Pittman, Jr, Stephanine Danae Pittman, Texarkana, TX; Jared Patton Tidwell & Stacy L Dawson - Tidwell, Texarkana, TX; Eva Nanette Tidwell, aka Nanette King, Heartland TX, et al; Larry Watson, Seagoville, TX; Mike Clemmens, Charleston, SC; Deborah Freer, Bethesda, MD; Christine Glodt, Nathan J Hillaire, Gordon Cameron, Sharon Jones, Steven Wayne Manley, and others;

Actions: TO2LEO 7/29/11 & 8/11/11, 10/27/11; TO2DA TX 10/27/11; Civil Offenses Civil Litigation 11/26/12; TO2CID 1/23/13 - 1/30/13; TO2DACI 2/15/13; TO2TXR 2/16/13 (p); CASE FILES Texas DPS #58885459; Kaufman County Sheriff Office CID Offense # 2013-000847; US Postal Inspector, Monmouth Oregon PD IR 13-72, 13-650;

Criminal defendants, those that conspire, those that publish retaliatory material and those that prosper from retaliation are all guilty of each other's crimes; including the underlying crime; and the publishers are not protected by section 230 of the CDA.

18 USC § 1513 - Retaliating against a witness, victim, or an informant
(e) Whoever knowingly, with the intent to retaliate, takes any action harmful to any person, including interference with the lawful employment or livelihood of any person, for providing to a law enforcement officer any truthful information relating to the commission or possible commission of any Federal offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

(f) Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.


Financial abuse of an elder is a mandatory report crime which I reported to law-enforcement, giving truthful information 7/20/11. Financial abuse of an elder is a federal offense involving at least:

  • theft of social security funds
  • income tax evasion
  • preempting a living will (evasion of inheritance tax)
  • the reporting agency, TX DFPS - Adult Protection Services, is federally funded

The retaliation first came in the form of caustic defamation on internet 7/26/11 claiming I am a fugitive from justice, a family fraud, and a con man. The truth according to my latest audited financial statement is I am a self-made multi-billionaire who helps many, many people at www.usmotorclub.org and many emerging businesses, as an L5 CEP software engineer at www.logic-sphere.com.

This retaliatory defamation, posted by those named above, was used to deceive law-enforcement in the underlying crime below and cover up witness tampering, obstruction, etc. above.

Activity increased since my attorneys issued a demand letter 11/26/12 in preparation for a civil suit in federal court; in preparation for my holding company to go public.

In the natural course of CCFO procedures, I filed an Article 2 TX Constitution criminal complaint 1/23/13 (Internal Affairs) and sent a 7-page affidavit 1/30/13 for offenses by police officers in the course of the retaliation/obstructon crimes against me.

Those dates coincide with the dates Kaufman County Chief Felony Prosecutor Mark Hasse first started receiving death threats and was murdered 1/31/13.

Any agency seeking documentation, or anyone with information about this crime set, unknown conspirators, those that use this retaliation for pecuniary gain, please contact us 000126@corpcrimefighters.org.

Last Updated: March 25, 2019 7:48 PM

Criminal Libel : Witness Tampering : Obstruction : Retaliation : Felony

Lana Adams Raney (55)
9202 Heritage Drive
Brentwood, TN 37027

John Walter Adams (52)
Owens Cross Roads, Alabama 35763

I've met a lot of foolish people in my days, but these two take the cake! How dumb can you be? You are a defendant in a First Class Felony Case, provided with an 'affirmative defense', so you add 3 more, which cancels your affirmative defense? Corp Crime Fighters has obtained forensic evidence these criminals have committed the crimes of:

Before, during, and after the report of Elder Abuse / Financial Exploitation to TX DFPS # 58885459 07/20/11. They contacted all the witnesses and extended victims. Major financial damage was caused to several people and at least one business. Without regard for their victims they sought to intimidate and coerce agreement to deny the indelible facts in their elder abuse case. Marriages, businesses are damaged some irrevocably... proving criminal intent.

Corporate Crime Fighters, reporter of the original crime, has already reported the new offenses to TX DFPS, which eliminated the renunciation defense for these two. Call number #58905981

THIS IS NOT A GAME! You will go to prison for a very long time unless you renounce and reverse your actions. To form an affirmative defense for these latest crimes you must renounce your crime under TX PENAL15.04 Renouncement Defense and mean it for the articles in the statutes. I will know if you read them.

And you must write a meaningful renouncement email to everyone on the list below, and every person or office you contacted on Internet, , stating:

  • you know what you did was a crime
  • you are sorry for it
  • you will not do it again
  • you will pay for any damages
  • what you stated to them was false
  • ask them to send your letter to everybody they sent your criminal libel to
  • ask them to send an email to Corporate Crime Fighters stating you have done this.
  1. Herzog Hartsock
  2. Nanette Tidwell
  3. Jeanne Russell
  4. Stephanie Pittman
  5. Howard Pittman
  6. Helen Adams
  7. Cherree Adams
  8. Alece Downs
  9. Tony Downs
  10. Denise Kaniss
  11. Debbie
  12. Howard Pittman Sr.
  13. et al

Start there. I will see the results and add the other names I know you have contacted. If I do not hear from you by the time I finish the list, It will be my pleasure to personally file a statement of probable cause with the criminal court.

#000125 Enjoined

#000124 CRIME UNDER INVESTIGATION 07/21/11 Elder Abuse - Financial Exploitation TO2TXDFPS - case # 58885459
Any person suspecting elder abuse and not reporting it can be held liable for a misdemeanor or state jail felony... TX DFPS

#000123 Closed 05/25/11 Employee Theft PSB Embezzlement, Business Crimes, Tax Evasion, Victim Resolution

#000122 Open 11/17/10 Employee Theft GNV51 i5 media 64, IP Theft TO2LEO 11/18/2010

#000121 Open 11/15/10 Payment Card dispute, Investigations are complete. Charged back. Case closed.11/18/2010.

#000120 Under construction. Investigation complete. TO2DA.

#000119 Theft, Conversion, Civil offenses. Resolved .25, WIP.

#000118 Under Construction

#000117 Under investigation

If you were a VPSAC resident click here for an intake form (forthcoming).


who is their next victim?

Corporate Crime Fighters Organization, a nonprofit registered in the State of Washington, is devoted to fighting crime in real time under the law. What use to take too long and a lot of money can be done in one day.

Crime Stoppers USA recovers about $2,176,000,000.00 of property stolen in "street crimes" each year.

Corp Crime Fighters is not a government agency. We support and are members of; National Crime Prevention Association, Crime Watch, & Crime Stoppers USA. The tools & procedures are provided on an 'as is' basis. No warranty or usability guaranty is made or implied. We do not give legal advice. We are not responsible for information published or obtained from exchange web site hyperlinks or references. This site does not use cookies or data miners. No data is placed on your computer or removed from your computer.